Pop-punk anthems are often referred to as "earworms," but they have the power to keep listeners hooked for decades to follow. Felicity pairs traditional pop-punk sounds with mainstream pop influences. Their creative ears establish a resonant experience for their audience. This evenly-mixed dance song will get stuck in your head and it will stay there. It may even take up residence; you'll find yourself humming the chorus while you're at the gym or doing dishes. Wherever you go, Felicity's charismatic new single will follow.'Levitate' leans towards heavier sounds with distorted, punchy rhythm guitars. However, lead vocalist Damien Fagiolino's stylistic choices are reminiscent of The Cab's Alexander DeLeon. Poppy and soulful, Fagiolino commands audiences' full attention. While 'Levitate' has a catchy viral-worthy chorus, the song's full story would not be complete without choices like the guitar solo after the bridge. At that point, you really feel as though you are levitating. Keep up with Felicity at https://www.wearefelicity.com/